For the purposes of the affivadit of support, the household size represents the total number of people the sponsor is financially responsible for. It is the sum of:

  • The sponsor
  • The applicant
  • If the sponsor is married, the spouse of the sponsor, unless the spouse of the sponsor is the applicant
  • The number of derivative applicants, if any
  • The number of dependents claimed on the sponsor’s most recent federal income tax return, if any
  • The number of unmarried minor children that were not claimed as dependents on the sponsor’s most recent federal income tax return (for instance a young child in a foreign country), if any
  • The number of ongoing affidavit of support obligations through the prior filing of a form I-864 for an individual

The number of family members (siblings, parents, and/or adult children) who have the same principal residence as the sponsor must be added to the household size if, and only if, they are combining their income with the sponsor to meet the financial requirements of the affidavit of support.